Our Path Forward

Our Path Forward

Our Path Forward

2021-2025 Strategic Plan

2021-2025 Strategic Plan

2021-2025 Strategic Plan

Explore Malcolm X College’s transformative five-year strategic plan for 2021-2025. Download the full plan below for more information.

From the President

David A. Sanders, M.S., Ed

President, Malcolm X College

Malcolm X College (MXC) is proud to share the ongoing progress on its Strategic Plan. MXC continues to serve as an educational organization, a community hub, and a catalyst for economic mobility. Read More

President David Sanders
Malcolm X College

“We believe that the entire College community bears a collective responsibility for realizing our mission to provide accessible liberal arts and health-focused education that fosters personal and professional achievement.”

Mission, Vision, and Values


The mission of Malcolm X College is to provide accessible liberal arts and health-focused education that fosters personal and professional achievement.


Malcolm X College serves with urgency as a catalyst for social change and economic growth in the Chicago community. We have the power to make change. In order to do that, we will:

  • Provide affordable, accessible, and exceptional education
  • Drive dynamic economic mobility in the lives of our students


  • Accountability: We emphasize diligence and innovation in order to promote efficient and effective learning.
  • Community: We support our community by promoting collaboration and cooperation in activities that enhance the quality of life.
  • Diversity: We value differences among individuals and prepare ourselves to live successfully in a global society.
  • Empowerment: We lift up people, voices, and ideas.
  • Learning: We promote student-centered learning and lifelong learning among faculty, staff, and students.
  • Respect: We appreciate and consider the choices, endeavors, and relationships of others.

To read more about Malcolm X’s background, download the full Strategic Plan.

It’s a perfect start. I got into four-year universities when I was a senior in high school, but they were too expensive. At City Colleges, I had the opportunity to save money, build a network, take advantage of small class sizes and use all the resources like tutoring. It’s a chance to get your grades together, join clubs, start clubs, then transfer to finish your bachelor’s. It was definitely the right decision.

It’s a perfect start. I got into four-year universities when I was a senior in high school, but they were too expensive. At City Colleges, I had the opportunity to save money, build a network, take advantage of small class sizes and use all the resources like tutoring. It’s a chance to get your grades together, join clubs, start clubs, then transfer to finish your bachelor’s. It was definitely the right decision.

It’s a perfect start. I got into four-year universities when I was a senior in high school, but they were too expensive. At City Colleges, I had the opportunity to save money, build a network, take advantage of small class sizes and use all the resources like tutoring. It’s a chance to get your grades together, join clubs, start clubs, then transfer to finish your bachelor’s. It was definitely the right decision.

Kaela Redd
Malcolm X College alumna, Star Scholar, transferred to DePaul University

Summary of Strategies

Six strategic levers form the framework for all of City Colleges’ plans. They serve as guiding principles and beliefs that are fundamental to the holistic success of our plans. The six strategic levers and their goals are:

Exceptional Student Experience
Economic Responsiveness
Institutional Health

Our Goal – Create an exceptional student experience.

We promise that every experience with City Colleges, from pre-admissions to completion, will be exceptional. Every student will be able to maximize their learning inside and outside the classroom, navigate our institution with ease, make significant progress towards their goals, and feel welcome and supported by all City Colleges employees.

Build momentum to increase student and institutional success

Grow and provide an esteemed quality of teaching and learning to compete with elite institutions.

Focus on measuring learning.

Goal – Significantly narrow achievement gaps.

We will become a “student-ready” and equitable institution that is designed for all students to thrive—especially those from historically and present-day marginalized communities. We will equip students with the support and resources they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond.

Research and explore to identify and understand what is leading to inequities within the College.

Pilot and evaluate to create structures that increase equitable practices.

Scale and impact to dismantle institutional barriers to equity.

Goal – Respond to the economic needs of the City Colleges of Chicago

We will be forward-looking and agile in developing pathways and forging partnerships that unlock transformational career opportunities for CCC students and fuel the Chicago workforce with talent that is prepared to meet the needs of the economy.

Accelerate economic mobility.

Design and maintain relevant and innovative curriculum.

Increase value add to the community.

Strengthen agreements and partnerships with 4-year institutions.

Goal – Build a culture of Excellence

We will build a culture of excellence that inspires everyone to become the ‘best in class’ for our students and community. We hold ourselves accountable to delivering academics, experiences, and services of the highest quality. Our faculty and staff will continue to receive professional development across the district to continuously improve their practices.

Empower individuals to grow and self-advocate to impact personal and professional achievement.

Elevate MXC’s presence as the Healthcare Center of Excellence.

Increase productivity by identifying and growing talent, retaining high caliber employees, and recruiting.


We will create a more collaborative and connected ecosystem to foster coordination and communication that supports student success. At each college and across the district, we will implement people, data, and technology solutions to create holistic best practices with an inclusive approach to problem solving.

Expand shared governance.

Integrate organizational operations through an internal communication plan.

Create a culture of conversation, feedback, and action.


We will develop, monitor, and improve critical institutional health metrics that ensure financial sustainability and the well-being of our institution.

Ensure that institutional actions are economically and educationally justifiable.

Strengthen team effectiveness.

Strategically plan to drive operations.

To read more about the strategies and tactics that Malcolm X College will use to achieve its objectives, download the full Strategic Plan.

FY21-23 Targets and FY20 Outcomes

City Colleges sets a range of outcomes for its goals in future years, consisting of a “target” that establishes the baseline for accountability and a “reach” that reflects its full ambition. The table below summarizes these goals for FY21-FY23. Targets for FY24 and FY25 will be finalized in FY23. All figures are rounded to the nearest whole number.

These targets were identified prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time of publication, the long-term effects of COVID-19 on community college enrollment and student success are uncertain. In the short-term, it has had a significant negative effect, with all but three community colleges in Illinois seeing enrollment declines. City Colleges will continue to strive to achieve these targets, knowing that COVID-19 will have an impact throughout the life of this plan.


FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Unduplicated Total Enrollment.

FY 20

Results: 11,042

FY 21

Actual: 11,693 (102% To Target)
Target: 11,500
Reach: 12,250

FY 22

Actual: 11,267 (92% To Target)
Target: 12,250
Reach: 13,000

FY 23

Target: 13,000
Reach: 13,250
FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Unduplicated Credit Enrollment.

FY 20

Results: 8,794

FY 21

Actual: 8,795 (98% To Target)
Target: 9,000
Reach: 9,500

FY 22

Actual: 8,410 (89% To Target)
Target: 9,500
Reach: 10,000

FY 23

Target: 10,000
Reach: 10,500
FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Unduplicated Adult Ed Enrollment.

FY 20

Results: 1,621

FY 21

Actual: 1,667 (81% To Target)
Target: 2,050
Reach: 2,100

FY 22

Actual: 1,224 (58% To Target)
Target: 2,100
Reach: 2,150

FY 23

Target: 2,255
Reach: 2,500
FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Unduplicated Continuing Ed Enrollment.

FY 20

Results: 1,263

FY 21

Actual: 1,599 (103% To Target)
Target: 1,550
Reach: 1,650

FY 22

Actual: 2,205 (134% To Target)
Target: 1,650
Reach: 1,750

FY 23

Target: 2,000
Reach: 2,500
FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Credit Hour Production.

FY 20

Results: 101,614

FY 21

Actual: 86,644 (80% To Target)
Target: 108,000
Reach: 114,000

FY 22

Actual: 92,307 (79% To Target)
Target: 116,375
Reach: 122,500

FY 23

Target: 125,000
Reach: 131,250


FY 23 Target
FY20 Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Adult Education Level Gains.  Adult Ed Level Gains were not calculated for FY2020 or FY2021 due to COVID-19 disrupting testing procedures.

FY 20[/fusion_text]

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Results: –

FY 21

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 46%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 47%

FY 22

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 48%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 48%

FY 23

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 48%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 50%
FY 23 Target
Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of First Year Fall-to-Spring Retention.

FY 20[/fusion_text]

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Results: 71%

FY 21

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Actual: 72% (98% To Target)
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 73%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 75%

FY 22

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Actual: 69% (92% To Target)
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 75%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 77%

FY 23

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 77%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 80%
FY 23 Target
Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Fall-to-Spring Credit Retention.

FY 20[/fusion_text]

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Results: 71%

FY 21

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Actual: 69% (97% To Target)
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 71%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 73%

FY 22

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Actual: 67% (91% To Target)
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 74%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 77%

FY 23

[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Target: 78%
[fusion_text] [/fusion_text]Reach: 81%
FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Taking and Passing College-Level English.

FY20 Results for this measure were updated in April 2021 to correct a technical error.

FY 20

Results: 52%

FY 21

Actual: 52% (98% To Target)
Target: 53%
Reach: 60%

FY 22

Actual: 51% (91% To Target)
Target: 56%
Reach: 65%

FY 23

Target: 59%
Reach: 70%
FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Taking and Passing College-Level Math.

FY20 Results for this measure were updated in April 2021 to correct a technical error.

FY 20

Results: 31%

FY 21

Actual: 38% (97% To Target)
Target: 39%
Reach: 50%

FY 22

Actual: 37% (88% To Target)
Target: 42%
Reach: 55%

FY 23

Target: 45%
Reach: 60%


FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of IPEDS Graduation Rate.

FY 20

Results: 24%

FY 21

Actual: 26% (96% To Target)
Target: 27%
Reach: 30%

FY 22

Actual: 19% (63% To Target)
Target: 30%
Reach: 35%

FY 23

Target: 35%
Reach: 40%

* Preliminary, pending IPEDS submission

FY 23 Target

Results & Targets
See the glossary for the definition of City Colleges Four-Year Outcome Measure.
These targets were updated in April 2021 to correct a technical error that occurred in the target-setting process.
FY2020 was a baseline year for the new CCC 4YR Outcome Measures KPI; targets were set for FY2021 onward.
FY 20

Results: 35%

FY 21

Actual: 34% (98% To Target)
Target: 35%
Reach: 36%

FY 22

Actual: 36% (100% To Target)
Target: 36%
Reach: 37%

FY 23

Target: 37%
Reach: 38%


FY 23 Target

Results & Targets

See the glossary for the definition of Transfer with Degree.

FY 20

Results: 39%

FY 21

Actual: 34% (69% To Target)
Target: 50%
Reach: 55%

FY 22

Actual: 39% (71% To Target)
Target: 55%
Reach: 60%

FY 23

Target: 60%
Reach: 65%

See the glossary for the definition of Economic Mobility.

City Colleges will begin using this measure in the early stages of this framework. As a result, there is no baseline or targets for this indicator as of its publication.

Student Experience

See the glossary for the definition of Net Promoter Score.

City Colleges will begin using this measure in the early stages of this framework. As a result, there is no baseline or targets for this indicator as of its publication.

City Colleges of Chicago

Discover the Strategic Plans for the seven institutions that make up City Colleges of Chicago